Looking at the personality board schematics, there appears to be the provision for hard drive connection (J38). Is this populated on either of the personality board versions?
Also, it appears to share a lot of signals with the CF. Does this mean a HD cannot be used at the same time as CF?
J38 was included on the Bitsy personality board to test out the idea of supporting hard drives. However, the design hasn't been developed. Microdrives and remote file systems have been the device of choice for customers who need mass storage.
If you're interested in developing the Bitsy personality board for using with a hard drive, email us with details about your application and we'd be glad to discuss it further with you.
Best regards,
p.s. I added "[J38 on Bitsy Personality Board]" to the topic heading to clarify the content of this topic.
I have the Bitsy Personality Board, Rev. A (on a BitsyXb) and I have the same question. Has there been any further development for using an IDE Hard Drive since this topic was first posted?
ADS has no current plans for this. However, if you're interested in developing the Bitsy personality board for using with a hard drive, email us with details about your application and we'd be glad to discuss it further with you.