We experienced a problem while doing FTP file dwonload from remote FTP server into ADS AGX (AGX is FTP client). While the system calls WinInet API "FtpGetFile", if the Ethernet cable was disconnected in the meantime, the function "FtpGetFile" never returns. We add try/catch and doesn't get any exception. (The AGX image is 4.10.16)
Does anyone experienced the same problem? How to make a workaround? Is it Microsoft CE issue?
WinInet API "FtpGetFile" is MS wrapper function for c's networking function. Try/catch does not get any exception due to the implementaion in FtpGetFile. Workaround is to open the remote file and read the remote file by using "InternetReadFile" Win32 API.
For further information regarding WinINet Functions, please click here"