On Power ON, after Bootloader to Kernel Transition (10 Seconds), then Kernel take over and display the Splash Logo.
In Kernel Splash logo display, for 1 second immediately after transition from bootloader , there is a flicker or few stray lines appear in top portion of the LCD display, thereafter the display is stable.
Why that flicker or Stray Lines appear in LCD display,on transition from bootloader to kernel. Is this due to any difference in LCD register configuration settings between loader and kernel or due to some other problems?
We have to rectify this flicker problem.
Edited by akidder 28-Feb-2007: Update Subject from "Flicker - Kyocera LCD"
Vertical lines on LCD displays occur when the hardware display controller isn't driving the LCD control signals. This sometimes occurs at power-up and can occur again at the handoff between the boot code and the operating system.
The issue can occur with any OS: sdsteam is using Montavista Linux on the BitsyX, while I believe that mcgomez is using Windows CE 5.0 on the Sphere II.
If you (the reader) are experiencing this on your product, email us with details of the product and operating system and we will work with you to meet your application needs.