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12 Posts

Posted - 04 Jan 2008 :  05:30:31  Show Profile

I have a third party USB device connected to my BitsyXb board. Problem is, everytime I reboot or power down the board I am presented with the usual dialog box asking me to enter the name of the USB device again. Now I thought I could just export the settings out of the registry for this and add them to adsload.reg, did this, but having looked on reboot, the settings aren't placed into the registry. Below is my adsload.reg file, am I doing something wrong?

; ADS WinCE Registry File for BitsyXB
;- 02Feb2006 00118-07001 Nhat
;- Created for 64MB DRAM, LQ64D343 TFT LCD


"CxScreen"=dword:280 ; 640
"CyScreen"=dword:1E0 ; 480
;; "CxScreen"=dword:320 ; 800
;; "CyScreen"=dword:258 ; 600

;; "Bpp"=dword:8


"ZThreshold"=dword:96;64; not used by the driver, this is an error

; "StateForOn"=dword:0
; "BacklightRunLevel"=dword:FF
; "BacklightIdleLevel"=dword:80
"BLightLevel4Off"=dword:A0 ; brightness level when "off"

"BatteryTimeout"=dword:3C ; seconds of inactivity before turning off backlight
"UseBattery"=dword:0 ; 1=use BatteryTimeout when on battery
"ACTimeout"=dword:220 ; seconds of inactivity before turning off backlight
"UseExt"=dword:0 ; 1=use ACTimeout when on "AC" power


[Forum administrator note: The forums' SQL server currently strips out backslashes in text. Sorry for the mess!]


877 Posts

Posted - 04 Jan 2008 :  09:10:54  Show Profile  Email Poster
The file looks correct. Are you certain that the device is burning the updated ADSLOAD.REG into Flash? I'm also not certain if the ADSLOAD.REG parser will create empty keys or if it must have a value line as well - that's worth testing.

As a possible alternative you could create a small bootstrap application that you put in a startup folder that checks for these registry entries and if they're not there writes them and then calls RegFlushKey to persist the registry.
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12 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2008 :  02:40:27  Show Profile
I did manage to get these entries into the registry using savereg.exe, rebooted the bitsy and even
though the entries are there in the registry the 'Unidentified USB Device' dialog still appears?

Any ideas?

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1519 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2008 :  10:17:45  Show Profile  Email Poster
Are you persisting the FTDI drivers, as well? You can put them in the \FlashFX Disk\System\ folder, which is part of the standard system path on current builds.
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12 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2008 :  10:43:27  Show Profile
I am copying them to the windows folder from the FlashFX Disk?
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877 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2008 :  11:00:04  Show Profile  Email Poster
Files do not persist in the Windows folder, so if you copy the driver files there, persist the registry and reboot you'll see the error you're having because the files are lost on reboot. ADS devices also have the folder '\FlashFX Disk\System' added to the loader path, which is somewhat like the PATH environment variable on the desktop. This means that you can put your driver files in persistent storage and never have to move them to the Windows folder and the system will still be able to find them when a call to load the driver occurs.
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12 Posts

Posted - 09 Jan 2008 :  02:19:59  Show Profile

Thanks for that. All I seemed to have to have done to stop the unidentified usb device dialog appearing is to just put the FTDI drivers into the 'FlashFX Disk System' folder as you suggested and didn't even need the registry entries?!

I actually did have the FTDI drivers in the FlashFX disk but not in System folder and on reboot was using ADSCopy to copy them to the 'Windows' folder, obvioulsy this was happening after the unidentified usb dialog was appearing...

Edited by - steg80 on 09 Jan 2008 02:22:07
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