I'm using the BitsyXB board running windows CE 5.0. With a personality board that has USB, COM1,COM2 and COM3.
I'm trying connect to the Bitsy board from my XP computer using Microsoft Active Sync version 4.5 with Visual Studio 2005 Development environment.
This is the process that I use.
1) Restart the Bitsy Board. 2) Start Active Sync from the PC to make a connection to the Bitsy board. 3) Run the program Repllog.exe in Windows CE on the Bitsy board. 4) I always get a DEVICE NOT READY error.
I always get a device not ready error message from Active Sync when I try to connect.
I am able to see system start up information from the Com3 port via Hyper terminal and everything looks good. In other words, there are no debug error messages when the system starts up.
I have also tried to connect to the Bitsy board with Active Sync via COM1,COM2,and COM3.
I just wanted to let you konw my problem has been solved. It was an active sync version problem. Once I tried to connect with active sync 3.7 instead of 4.5 it started working.