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28 Posts

Posted - 02 Apr 2003 :  10:51:10  Show Profile  Email Poster
I'd like to set the clock on my Bitsy+ from an eVB program, but I can't see any quick way of doing it. Is an API call in order, and is it one that can be used from eVB?

Edited by - steve on 02 Apr 2003 10:51:31


877 Posts

Posted - 02 Apr 2003 :  11:21:28  Show Profile  Email Poster
You need to call SetSystemTime or SetLocalTime. Here's a snippet:

Declare Function GetLocalTime Lib "Coredll" (ByVal lpSystemTime As String) As Long
Declare Function SetLocalTime Lib "Coredll" (ByVal lpSystemTime As String) As Long

Public Const CE_INTEGER = 2
Public Const CE_LONG = 4

Public Function FromBinaryString(BString As String) As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim bIsNegative As Boolean

    bIsNegative = False

    ' start at the end of the string and work backwards
    For i = LenB(BString) - 1 To 0 Step -1
        If i = LenB(BString) - 1 And (AscB(MidB(BString, i + 1, 2)) And &H80) Then
        ' check the signigicant bit
            ' If it's negative, set a flag
            bIsNegative = True
        End If

        If bIsNegative = True Then
            ' extract the binary complement of the byte
            FromBinaryString = FromBinaryString + ((AscB(MidB(BString, i + 1, 2)) Xor &HFF) * (2 ^ (8 * i)))
            ' extract the byte
            FromBinaryString = FromBinaryString + AscB(MidB(BString, i + 1, 2)) * (2 ^ (8 * i))
        End If
    Next i

    ' if it is supposed to be negative, make it so
    If bIsNegative Then
        ' Subtract one
        FromBinaryString = FromBinaryString + 1

        ' make it negative
        FromBinaryString = FromBinaryString * -1
    End If

End Function

Public Function ToBinaryString(Number As Variant, Bytes As Integer) As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim bIsNegative As Boolean

    ' cannot check byte positions other than 0 to 3
    If Bytes > 4 Or Bytes < 1 Then Exit Function

    ' If the number is negative, we need to handle it last, so we'll set a flag
    If Number < 0 Then
        bIsNegative = True

        ' get the absolute value
        Number = Number * -1

        ' get the binary complement
        Number = Number Xor ((2 ^ (8 * Bytes - 1)) - 1)

        ' add one
        Number = Number + 1
    End If

    ' start at the least significant bit (0) and work backwards
    For i = 0 To Bytes - 1
        If i = Bytes - 1 And bIsNegative Then
            ' If the number is negative we must turn on the most significant bit
            ' and then and append it to the string
            ToBinaryString = ToBinaryString & (ChrB(GetByteValue(Number, i) + &H80))
            ' just append the byte to our string
            ToBinaryString = ToBinaryString & ChrB(GetByteValue(Number, i))
        End If
    Next i
End Function

Public Function GetByteValue(Number As Variant, BytePos As Integer) As Integer
    Dim mask As Long

    On Error Resume Next

    ' cannot check byte positions other than 0 to 3
    If BytePos > 3 Or BytePos < 0 Then Exit Function

    If BytePos < 3 Then
        ' build a mask of all bits on for the desired byte
        mask = &HFF * (2 ^ (8 * BytePos))
        ' the last bit is reserved for sign (+/-)
        mask = &H7F * (2 ^ (8 * BytePos))
    End If

    ' turn of all bits but the byte we're after
    GetByteValue = Number And mask

    ' move that byte to the end of the number
    GetByteValue = GetByteValue / (2 ^ (8 * BytePos))
End Function

Public Function SetDeviceTime(Year As Integer, Month As Integer, _
                DayOfWeek As Integer, _
                Day As Integer, Hour As Integer, Minute As Integer, _
                Second As Integer, Millisecond As Integer) As Boolean

    Dim binaryString As String
    Dim lRet As Long

    binaryString = ToBinaryString(Year, CE_INTEGER)
    binaryString = binaryString & ToBinaryString(Month, CE_INTEGER)
    binaryString = binaryString & ToBinaryString(DayOfWeek, CE_INTEGER)
    binaryString = binaryString & ToBinaryString(Day, CE_INTEGER)
    binaryString = binaryString & ToBinaryString(Hour, CE_INTEGER)
    binaryString = binaryString & ToBinaryString(Minute, CE_INTEGER)
    binaryString = binaryString & ToBinaryString(Second, CE_INTEGER)
    binaryString = binaryString & ToBinaryString(Millisecond, CE_INTEGER)

    lRet = SetLocalTime(binaryString)

    ' check for success
    If lRet = 0 Then
        SetDeviceTime = False
        SetDeviceTime = True
    End If
End Function

Function GetDeviceTime(ByRef Year As Integer, _
                ByRef Month As Integer, _
                ByRef DayOfWeek As Integer, _
                ByRef Day As Integer, _
                ByRef Hour As Integer, _
                ByRef Minute As Integer, _
                ByRef Second As Integer, _
                ByRef Millisecond As Integer) As Boolean

    Dim binaryString As String
    Dim lRet As Long

    ' Allocate space for the variable
    binaryString = String(8, Chr(0))

    ' Call the API
    lRet = GetLocalTime(binaryString)

    ' Extract the values from the binary string
    ' Remeber, we must use MidB to extract bytes
    Year = FromBinaryString(MidB(binaryString, 1, 2))
    Month = FromBinaryString(MidB(binaryString, 3, 2))
    DayOfWeek = FromBinaryString(MidB(binaryString, 5, 2))
    Day = FromBinaryString(MidB(binaryString, 7, 2))
    Hour = FromBinaryString(MidB(binaryString, 9, 2))
    Minute = FromBinaryString(MidB(binaryString, 11, 2))
    Second = FromBinaryString(MidB(binaryString, 13, 2))
    Millisecond = FromBinaryString(MidB(binaryString, 15, 2))
End Function
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28 Posts

Posted - 02 Apr 2003 :  11:37:50  Show Profile  Email Poster
Wow, ok. I see now that it's the code from your book, so I'll go ahead and try that. Am I correct in assuming that Now() is still a valid way to read the current date and time, or am I forced to use GetDeviceTime?
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877 Posts

Posted - 02 Apr 2003 :  11:39:35  Show Profile  Email Poster
Now() still works.
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28 Posts

Posted - 05 May 2003 :  17:08:08  Show Profile  Email Poster
Wow, this date code looks complex, but works beautifully! Thanks! Have you thought of writing another book???
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59 Posts

Posted - 03 Aug 2005 :  03:02:42  Show Profile  Email Poster
Hi Steve,
I have a strange problem with SetLocalTime in Windows CE 3.0:


memset( &TimeZone, 0, sizeof( TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION ) );
TimeZone.Bias = -600; // 600 minutes, Sydney = UTC + 10 hours
SetTimeZoneInformation( (const TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION* )&TimeZone );

SetLocalTime( & DateTime );

GetLocalTime( &DateTime );

I got:2005-8-3 1:33:54
I expect: 2005-8-3 1:33:55
Where did the missing one second go? All function were finished correctly, I checked.
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59 Posts

Posted - 03 Aug 2005 :  03:03:58  Show Profile  Email Poster
Sorry I forgot: the above code snippet is in C language
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