I have a Win32 C++ application I'm attempting to port to the Bitsy Xb platform.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Version 8.0.50727.762 (SP.050727-7600)
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 2.0.50727
Installed Edition: Professional
Solution Platform = ADS_CE_5.0 (ARMV4I)
Target Device = Vgx-ARMV4I_Release
I can build and deploy this application successfully, but the launch and/or debug fails with a 0x8007007e.
When I launch the application locally on the Bitsy Xb I get this message: "Cannot find 'XXX' (or one of its components). Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all the required libraries are available.
My application is in the form of an .exe and several .dll files.
- The EXE is deployed to %CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES%MyProg
- The DLLs are deployed to Windows
I have copied msvcr80.dll, atl80.dll, msvcr80d.dll, MFC80UD.DLL to the device Windows directory.
Is /MACHINE:THUMB the correct target machine for the Bitsy Xb?
Do I need to register some/all of my DLLs?
What could be preventing this application from launching?