I've been localizing our product with a Chineses font Sunfon.ttf and it's working everywhere except diaglog and messagebox title bars. This is a Unicode font and it shows up as little squares in the titles. I've been all through the MSDN registry key settings that deal with this and nothing works. Such as these examples: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms900905.aspx Specifically, I load the persistent registry with these: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GDI\SysFnt] "Nm"= Sunfon [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE\OOMFnt] "Nm"= Sunfon [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE\Menu\BarFnt] "Nm"= Sunfon [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE\Menu\PopFnt] "Nm"= Sunfon
There's also a bazillion other experiments I've tried and variations on syntax. Seems to be little info on this subject available.
This issue is likely caused by one of two things: 1. Your application is not explicitly setting the title bars with Chinese strings 2. You could perhaps need to change the 'theme' of the title bar to account for this new font. This can be done with a simple Registry adjustment.
Due to the rather specific nature of this issue, if necessary, please contact us at support.us@eurotech.com to continue this discussion.