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Posted - 16 May 2003 :  07:55:09  Show Profile  Email Poster
i'm using the GM board and trying to make a little application with evb. the probleme is that i cant get anything on the port, sometimes a character but not what i 'm supposed to get.
Can i use this code ??
Dim nIndex As Integer
Dim nType As Integer
Dim nBarCodeSize As Integer
Dim sText As String
On Error Resume Next

nIndex = cmbPort.ListIndex
If nIndex > -1 Then
nIndex = cmbPort.ItemData(nIndex)
End If
commCtrl.CommPort = nIndex
sText = cmbSpeed.Text
commCtrl.Settings = sText & ", N, 8, 1"
commCtrl.Handshaking = 2
commCtrl.PortOpen = True
If commCtrl.PortOpen = False Then
MsgBox "Unable to open COM " & nIndex
Exit Sub
End If

'sText = Chr(27) & Chr(40) & Chr(3) & Chr(10) & Chr(17) & Chr(2) & "@ABCDE" & Chr(10) & Chr(27) & "m" & Chr(10)
'commCtrl.Output = sText

sText = EscapeCommand(PRINTER_ESCAPE_RESET)
If chkSmallfont.Value <> 0 Then
nBarCodeSize = 2
sText = sText & Chr(IFCOM_FONT_SMALL) & txtSmallfont.Text & Chr(IFCOM_LINE_FEED)
commCtrl.Output = sText
sText = ""
End If
If chkNormalFont.Value <> 0 Then
nBarCodeSize = 3
sText = sText & Chr(IFCOM_FONT_NORMAL) & txtNormalFont.Text & Chr(IFCOM_LINE_FEED)
commCtrl.Output = sText
sText = ""
End If

Another problem is that i get garbage at boot time on com ports.
As i'm trying to use a printer on it, it's a big problem.
Can i use mscomm or not ?


877 Posts

Posted - 28 May 2003 :  17:46:42  Show Profile  Email Poster
The eVB Comm control works just fine through eVB. I put together a quick sample showing how to send and receive serial data and posted it at Topic 962. Try testing it with Hyperterminal on your PC.
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