I am trying to create a windows CE database on my Graphics client +. I have tried on the FlashFX disk and an installed Storage Card. Apparently I can mount the volume and create the database, but when I try to open the database I get Error #25(ERROR_SEEK). I know that I am mounting and creating the database, because the second time I run my software I get Error 52 (ERROR_DUP_NAME) for both the mounted database volume and the database. I can also see the database on the flash disks. I use the following code to try to open the database.
HANDLE hDB; //Handle to database CEGUID flash; CEGUID* pflash = &flash; //pointer to mounted volume CEOID CeOid; // Object id for database,returned when created
hDB= CeOpenDatabaseEx(pflash, // pointer to mounted volume &CeOid, //object id from create TEXT("Mydatabase") // Name used when created 0, // ignore sort order CEDB_AUTOINCREMENT, NULL); // no notification if (hdB = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { get error , etc.}
Most of the errors I have gotton so far seem to make sense, but this error (ERROR_SEEK) has me stymied. I know that everyone but me has opened a database in the flash memory using C++ somebody can help me on this one...