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 eVC - SetColorScheme
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877 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2003 :  14:48:11  Show Profile  Email Poster

This application loads the UI color scheme information from the registry and applies it to the current desktop. This is only necessary for platforms whose shell does not do so automatically.

Key APIs Used

Lines of Code: ~150

Source Download

Rev 2 - Nov. 16, 2004 (6k zip).

Edited by ctacke 16-Nov-2004: Update release


877 Posts

Posted - 16 Nov 2004 :  11:31:45  Show Profile  Email Poster
Bug Fix

Revision 1 of this app failed if the "Display Name" of the Scheme didn't match the subkey name of the scheme in the registry, such as for 'Windows Standard' or 'High Impact White'. Revision 2 fixes that bug.
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20 Posts

Posted - 21 Apr 2005 :  22:09:22  Show Profile  Email Poster
I am working on WinCE v4.20.9 with AGX and VB.Net. I tried to swap the system color of Desktop and that of active caption text (white) using the following code. However, even the intSuccess returns -1 (nonzero means success), the colors did not change.

Also, I am not able to call GetSysColor to obtain the system color. It always return zero (means failure) and using GetLastError() gives 87 (invalid parameter).

Please kindly advise on the use of GetSysColor and SetSysColrs.


*************** CODE ****************************
Overloads Declare Function GetSysColor Lib "coredll" (ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Integer

Overloads Declare Function SetSysColors Lib "coredll" (ByVal cElements As Integer, _
ByVal lpaElements As Integer(), _
ByVal lpaRgbValues As Integer()) As Boolean

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim intTextColor As Integer = Label1.ForeColor.ToArgb
Dim intBkgdColor As Integer = Me.BackColor.ToArgb

Dim intElements() As Integer = {COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT, COLOR_DESKTOP}
Dim intRgbValues() As Integer = {intBkgdColor, intTextColor}

Dim intSuccess As Integer = SetSysColors(2, intElements, intRgbValues)

End Sub
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