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31 Posts

Posted - 21 Oct 2003 :  11:10:29  Show Profile

I am having a problem w/ the Advanced Graphics Client when attempting to load the 13MiB image file (../developers/wince/115-1_AGC/

When in debug mode, I can see that there is a problem when NKLOAD.BIN is transfered to the onboard flash; it says there is not enough room. Here is some pertinent information about the problem:

Information about the system (as shown by the debug mode):

** AGC Loader initializing(0x1). ** [_ _ 3 _]

ADS Advanced Graphics Client Rom Ver. 1.80 (64 MB DRAM)
(Build at 17:30:52 on Feb 12 2003)

Flash Memory Detected: Intel StrataFlash (32MB)

Here is where the problem occurs:

NKLOAD.BIN : Reading ... Writing...
Programming flash (this will also take a few minutes).
File Size = 13100155(0xc7e47b) bytes .
LdrMoveRamToFlash : address of DRAM = 0xc9400000
LdrMoveRamToFlash : info.size = 0x02000000, info.block_size=0x40000
LdrMoveRamToFlash : flashaddress = 0x140000, maxsize = 0xc00000
I need more space !. Error1 !!
return FALSE from LdrMoveRamToFlash()
Failed to load NKLOAD.BIN from an ATA flash PC card.

The compact flash card is ok since I used it with other ADS systems (w/ the Client Plus.)

I tried uploading the image with and without supplying the ADSLOAD hwt/reg files but I haven't been successful either way. Note that the hwt/reg files get uploaded successfully.

In order to better understand the problem, I am listing some important parts of the reg/hwt files (as used when attempting to upload the image.)

; Operating system settings (use with boot ROM 1.70 and later)
0x00B00240 0x000000CE ; system is running Windows CE

; Onboard flash set aside for NKLOAD.BIN
;0xA110C401 0x00800000 ; 8MB
;0xA110C401 0x00A00000 ; 10MB
0xA110C401 0x00C00000 ; 12MB

; Location in RAM to load CE image

;0x00B002AD 0xC9800000 ; 8MB CE, 64MB RAM
;0x00B002AD 0xC9600000 ; 10MB CE, 64MB RAM
0x00B002AD 0xC9400000 ; 12MB CE, 64MB RAM

; "Start"=dword:08B00000 ; 10MB CE image
; "Length"=dword:0500000 ; 5MB flash disk (16MB flash installed)
; "Length"=dword:1500000 ; 21MB flash disk (32MB flash installed)

"Start"=dword:08D00000 ; 12MB CE image
; "Length"=dword:0300000 ; 3MB flash disk (16MB flash installed)
"Length"=dword:1300000 ; 19MB flash disk (32MB flash installed)

; "Start"=dword:08900000 ; 8MB CE image
; "Length"=dword:0700000 ; 7MB flash disk (16MB flash installed)
; "Length"=dword:1700000 ; 23MB flash disk (32MB flash installed)

I don't have a lot of experience w/ the Advanced Graphics Client since I only used the standard Graphics Client+ so I may be way off track with the way I attempted to solve the problem. Also, I am not sure how to use the reginit.ini and ce.bib files that are supplied in the archive for the 3.0 CE image for AGC 64MB RAM. For now, I just copied them in the root directory of the ATA card when attempted to load the image.

I also tried deleting the files by means of the debug menu; I was able to delete the hwt/reg and nk.bin files (it reported that it erased them successfully) but when I tried to upload the image I still didn't have any success (except for the uploading of the hwt/reg files.)

Does anybody know what the problem could be?

Thanks in advance,


31 Posts

Posted - 21 Oct 2003 :  14:50:45  Show Profile
I managed to "solve" the problem by attempting to calculate the correct locations for a 13MB CE image (since the hwt/reg files that I had only mentioned a max value of 12mb.)

By visually inspecting the "pattern" of addresses (modifications needed to jump from a 8mb to a 10mb), etc I came up with the following values to be used in my hwt/reg files.

Since the file contained the following:

; Onboard flash set aside for NKLOAD.BIN
;0xA110C401 0x00800000 ; 8MB
;0xA110C401 0x00A00000 ; 10MB
;0xA110C401 0x00C00000 ; 12MB

.. it looked like the correct address to use for 14MB would be: 0xA110C401 0x00E00000

Also, in the 64MB ram section of the HWT file, the following can be seen:

;0x00B002AD 0xC9800000 ; 8MB CE, 64MB RAM
;0x00B002AD 0xC9600000 ; 10MB CE, 64MB RAM
;0x00B002AD 0xC9400000 ; 12MB CE, 64MB RAM

Thus, I used 0x00B002AD 0xc9200000 for a 14MB image.


In this file, I noted the following:

; "Start"=dword:08B00000 ; 10MB CE image
; "Length"=dword:0500000 ; 5MB flash disk (16MB flash installed)
; "Length"=dword:1500000 ; 21MB flash disk (32MB flash installed)

; "Start"=dword:08D00000 ; 12MB CE image
; "Length"=dword:0300000 ; 3MB flash disk (16MB flash installed)
; "Length"=dword:1300000 ; 19MB flash disk (32MB flash installed)

Thus, I used:

"Start"=dword:08F00000 ; 14MB CE image
; "Length"=dword:0500000

With these modifications, I did not get the error message about having not enough room; However, I am still unable to boot successfully. In the Sealed Box Upgrade mode, I successfully transfered the image on the Flash.:

NKLOAD.BIN : Reading ... Writing...
Programming flash (this will also take a few minutes).
File Size = 13100155(0xc7e47b) bytes .
LdrMoveRamToFlash : address of DRAM = 0xc9200000
LdrMoveRamToFlash : info.size = 0x02000000, info.block_size=0x40000
LdrMoveRamToFlash : flashaddress = 0x140000, maxsize = 0xe00000
Erasing flash....
Successfully Erased !!!!
Writing Flash Header Size...(0xc7e47b bytes) .
Writing Flash...(from 0x140004 to 0xdbe47f).
Compare Memory with Flash, Successfully Done !!!

However, all I am getting is a white screen.

I am assuming that there is some problem with my hwt/reg files but I am not sure what it could be. The screen is just the same as the screen used in the ADS standard evaluation of Graphics Client Plus.

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31 Posts

Posted - 21 Oct 2003 :  15:23:11  Show Profile
follow up:

This is the output when booting in "Normal Boot" mode:

Processor Initialization Table read.
Waiting for memory clocks to stabilize.
Memory initialization complete.
Determining boot cause.
Reset detected.

** AGC Loader initializing(0x1). ** [_ 2 3 _]

ADS Advanced Graphics Client Rom Ver. 1.80 (64 MB DRAM)
(Build at 17:30:52 on Feb 12 2003)

Flash Memory Detected: Intel StrataFlash (32MB)

BootCEbySwitch : ReadSwitch = 0x6
Loader:Failed to find a network PC card.

... and then the debug menu is presented.

What kind of "network PC card" is it looking for ? Could this be the problem for not continuing with the booting of the OS ?
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877 Posts

Posted - 21 Oct 2003 :  15:47:14  Show Profile
First, it looks like your boot switches are in a strange configuration. Try setting them to 1, 3 and 4 ON.

Next, I uploaded the latest release image (build 3.06) for the AGC and a config file that I just confirmed works with it. Click here to request a CE build for the AGC.
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31 Posts

Posted - 21 Oct 2003 :  16:23:56  Show Profile
Hi Chris,

I am using the Advanced Graphics Client which if I am not mistaken, takes into account just the first two boot switches (just like the Bitsy and Bitsy Plus.) At least that is what I got out of the revised "Developer's Getting Started" guide. Anyway, this is not as important as to the fact that the configuration files you supplied worked correctly after doing a Sealed Box Upgrade (which I did by having switch 1 and 2 on the OFF position and ignored the position of the other switches.)

The difference that I noted was in the address of DRAM:

I was using:
LdrMoveRamToFlash : address of DRAM = 0xc9200000

while the config. files you supplied stated:
LdrMoveRamToFlash : address of DRAM = 0xc9300000

Thanks for your prompt support,

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