Using any of my AGX boards, when I stimulate PA0 it causes PA0 and PA1 to increase although not equally. This is true of PA1 and PA2 also. PA2 does not affect PA0 or PA1. Is there an isolation problem I should know about or is it my usage? I'm using SmartIO Option2 which sets PA0 - PA7 to be analog, and I'm stimulating by using ground pin 39 on AGX connector J14 and an input of 1v on either of pins 17, 19, 21 on J14. Is there a keypad option I need to disable? Thanks.
Newer ADS products have eliminated the need to use the SIOSelectOption() function, as the "options" somewhat limited the flexibility of the Atmel AVR I/Os.
Please take a look at the post on ADSmartIO, topic 306 for all the addendum/changes, in particular #SIOSelectOption which talks more about SIOSelectOption.
Final outcome of this issue turned out to be that those inputs do not have pull-downs (or pull-ups) and hence were floating when they were being read. Such readings will be undefined.