Hi, my BitsyXB has the time wrong since we changed to daylight savings time on 3/11/07. Is there a patch available to fix this? (I couldn't find one.) Thanks.
Thanks for your note. Yes, there is a "Y27" registry patch for Windows CE to handle the change in daylight savings time for US locations. While you can reset your clocks now, they will likely switch again on 1-April without the registry udpates.
We'll post the files to add to your adsload.reg files on Monday.
The registry entries for Y27 Daylight savings time settings are in the zipped file below. They apply to ADS Windows CE 4.2 and 5.0 builds created between 4-Oct-2006 and 7-Feb-2007
If your device will only be placed in one time zone, you need only enter the keys for that one zone.
These settings will make CE jump ahead one hour at 2AM on the second sunday of March and jump back one hour on the first sunday of November. For 2007 that will be March 11, and November 4.
You can place these settings in your ADSLOAD.REG file. Remember to make sure that the TZI hex data is all on the same line, and that the last line of your ADSLOAD.REG file is terminated with a return character.