We have been using and shipping BitsyX boards with Win CE build 4.20.12 for years, but now want to update to 4.20.37 Pro to take advantage of improved FlashFx software and file based registry hives. All our application code (eVC++) and executables work without problem until we enter sleep mode by pulling RQONOFF low, and resume by pulling it low again. After resume, the system response is terrible. Key pad presses on SmartI/O (direct bit bang, not with the keyscan function) are missed, and SmartI/O board voltage reads are intermittant. Reboot fixes everything.
We determined that the problem does not occur with Win CE build 4.20.34 Pro. There is not much different between 4.20.34 and 4.20.37, so we will release our product with 4.30.34 unless someone has a simple fix that would make 4.20.37 work correctly. Any ideas?
I tried some suggested changes to registry settings to disable serial 4 through 7, but that did not help.
Then newer boot code (V1.21 dated June 07) and Win CE Build (4.20.46 dated April 07) were found that had not been posted to the forum download pages previously. The newer boot code didn't help my problem, but the 4.20.46 build resolved it completely.