I'm trying to read a temperature on a BitsyXb with a 33k Ohm thermister connected connected to TMP SEN- and TMP SNS+
I'm using SmartIO.ReadTemperature() (in C#)and the returned values do not seem to be tracking temperature values. In fact, the returned values do not seem to change even with significant temperature changes at the thermister.
Does this thermister circuit need to be activated somehow in software or hardware for this temperature sensing functionality to be "live"?
The BitsyXb manual shows an internal transistor and an external thermister. That's exactly what we have. However, the call to ReadTemperature seems to be giving some bogus number (approx 337) with a +/- a bit or two of fluctuation. It is not sensing changes at the thermister. Is this circuit always "live" on the BitsyXb? Does it need to be "powered", does the call to ReadTemperature activate (i.e. "power") the circuit?
The BitsyXb handles "powering on" the circuit. If you can measure the voltage values across the thermistor, you can verify that the circuit is active. We can send you a test application to confirm that your hardware is functional. Drop us a line to our Support email address.