Getting Started with CE
Congratulations on the purchase of your Windows CE Evaluation system! Here are the ingredients you'll need to successfully begin developing your application:
- Register on the ADS Forums
Use the access code printed on your development system to receive full access to the ADS support forums.
- Purchase an ATA Card Reader
ADS includes an a CompactFlash card, which you will need for development. Take a look at this topic for information about ATA cards and readers.
- Check out your ADS Development System
Got all the parts? If you got it secondhand, you might not. Bitsy, Graphics Client Plus, Graphics Master
- Get Development Tools from Microsoft
CE 3.0, eMbedded Visual Tools (free) CE.NET, must purchase Visual Studio
- Download the Latest Documentation from ADS
CE Developer's Guide Users Manuals: Bitsy, Graphics Client Plus, Graphics Master
- Familiarize Yourself with ADS Technical Resources
Start with the Support Page Then look over the Support Forums Troubleshooting Getting more help (custom drivers, answers not on the forum)
- Write your First Application
You can build an application from scratch or try your hand at modifying a sample application
For further ideas, or to post a question, try these forums: eMbedded Visual C++ development eMbedded Visual BASIC development
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