Most ADS systems have images available that support the DirectDraw APIs. Check to see if your device has ddraw.dll in the \Windows folder to determine if yours does.
Q: Can you provide any pointers on using DirectDraw?
Platform Builder comes with some basic DirectDraw samples that we've compiled and successfully tested on our devices.
There is a good section on using DirectDraw on the MSDN Site plus PureMeta have a easy to understand DirectDraw Programming online tutorial.
Our VGX build includes the ddraw.dll. When I run the ddex1 sample directdraw app the function DirectDrawCreate fails with an error code - DDERR_NODIRECTDRAWSUPPORT "No DirectDraw support possible with current display driver". I built the project in eVC 4.0 without modifications to the source using the SDKs ddraw.lib and dxguid.lib. Is DirectDraw available on the VGX?
For VGX, there are two drivers. One supports display rotation (and works around some of the bugs in the SM501 hardware). The other works with DirectDraw.
Take a look at topic 2165 for details to see if that might be the issue on your system.