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36 Posts |
Posted - 19 Aug 2004 : 11:15:28
Our company makes vending machines that need to talk to each other. They also need to talk to a central server. We are presently using dedicated RS-485 lines. I want to use the graphics client +, C# and the .netcf to make each box a web server. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Thanks, Keith Stallings
36 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 15:09:28
Still learning. I found that ce 4.1 has an html web server, HTTPD. I can't find an HTTPD.dll on my graphics client +. However, using regedit I found the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/COMM/HTTPD entries. Is the HTTPD web server supported on my graphics client +??
877 Posts |
36 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 17:28:48
Thanks Chris, Using command prompt "services list" I found that I have HTTPD.Dll running. I still don't understand why the HTTPD.DLL will not show. I have the viewing set to show hidden files. Anyone have an idea?? Thanks, Keith Stallings |
877 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 18:40:16
It's a bit non-intuitive, but during the build some in ROM files are marked as hidden in a different way that just a hidden flag for the file. "Show Hidden" will display files with the hidden flag set, but the in ROM files still won't show. A classic example is coredll.dll, which is *always* present in CE but rarely, if ever, visible. |
36 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2004 : 16:57:15
I have a file named test.html in "Windows\www\wwwpub." on my GC+. I can display the file using Explorer on my GC+ using "ADS_GC_Plus\test.html" as the URL.
I also placed the test.html on my desktop and I can acess the file on the desktop using Explorer from my GC+.
I can't access the file from my desktop. I am using "ADS_GC_Plus\test.html" as the URL from my desktop.
Any ideas?? |
877 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2004 : 18:14:07
See if you can access it by IP rather than host name. |
36 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2004 : 09:28:26
Yeaaaaaa!!! I can access web pages both ways,from my desktop to the gc+ or from the gc+ to my desktop. Using the IP address worked. This apparently means that our DNS server doesn't know the ads_gc_plus name. I'll keep reading, but is the next step to enable DNS on the gc+?? |
36 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2004 : 13:24:17
I manually enterd the GCP name, ads_gc_plus, into our windows DNS server and now I can access my test.html web page on my gc+ from my desktop. Shouldn't the dhcp server and dns server work together such that gc+ name is automatically registerd with the DNS server?? |
1519 Posts |
Posted - 11 Oct 2004 : 10:03:02
Thanks for the follow-up on your results. The DNS server lookup is for URLs that are registered with the domain name registrars. The resolution of computer names on a local area network is up to the local OS; WINS often performs that function on Windows-based networks. I don't believe that DNS and DHCP servers know about each other in most networks.
In your application, you should count on knowing the address of your target device if you are going to use it as a web server.
Further reading: DNS FAQ from Internet |
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