USB networking is built into the standard kernel for XScale boards starting with kernel 2.4.27_vrs1_pxa1_adsx1.
USB networking is point to point networking where one end is a USB client device and the other end is a USB host. The USB host can be a PC but it must be running Linux 2.4.24 or greater.
To attach an Xscale board to a PC follow these instructions:
1. Run this command on the PC: modprobe usbnet
2. Attach a USB cable from the USB client port on the board to the USB host port on the PC.
3. Enter this command on the PC: ifconfig usb0
4. Enter this command on the board: ifconfig usb0
5. To test the connection enter this commmand on the board: ping
Note: The choice of IP addresses above is only an example.
Most boards now support TCP/IP over USB, not just Xscale boards. Please see the documentation for your board to verify that you system has this capability.