I am writing a simple program that can automatically reinstall and update third-party applications on BitsyX, however, when I execute the CAB file, the user is prompted with the message "app-name is already installed. Re-install?" Is it possible to suppress this warning so that upgrades and reinstalls can be silent?
I also try with ADScopy but the setup hang when message 'already instaled' popups.
Although, I known that the wceload command has /noui options, it does not suppress the dialog, and intaller must use wceload to execute the file. To suppress the reinstall warnings, can I edit a registry value for the application that indicates whether the application is already installed ? If yes, what registry key I must use ?
Here is the details of my device: - BitsyX , CE 4.20.13 (which supports mono display but not supports WiFi CF card) - Linksys WCF54G cab file (wl420.ARMV4.CAB)