Hi, The issue is not so much the Windows CE distribution as long as you are following the Windows CE End User Licence Agreement (EULA) from Microsoft. The issue is the font you are supplying. Fonts from Windows XP are not necessarily free. Your legal eagles must determine the implications of re-distributing a font that came from XP.
If you downloaded your build from our forums you can see the included fonts by searching for .ttf files in the ce.bib file. For instance VGX builds can be downloaded from here.
There is also an application that you can use to enumerate the fonts on your system. It is located here.
And with reference to your original question, there is a Microsoft legal site that explores the issues with fonts.
We may not have addressed your original question. The following fonts are available for Windows CE 5.0:
Impact Kino MSLogo Symbol Tahoma Tahoma Times New Roman (Subset 1_30) Times New Roman Bold Times New Roman Bold Italic Times New Roman Italic Trebuchet MS Trebuchet MS Bold Trebuchet MS Bold Italic Trebuchet MS Italic Verdana Verdana Bold Verdana Bold Italic Verdana Italic Webdings Wingding
I need the up and down triangles (u25B2 and u25BC) from the geometric shapes block. Arial shows them in Windows Forms but not in a WinCE smart device project. Any chance of getting them in Bitsy?
The up and down arrows are also available in fonts other than Arial in Windows CE. Please contact us to see how we can fit those fonts in the project you are using.