I am slightly confused by what I am reading and seeing. I have the BitsyXb developers kit. It came with a AC/DC power supply. The output of this supply says it provides both 5 and 12VDC. I look at how it is wired to plug into the Connector board and I believe I see - Pin 1 jumpered to Pin 2 - Pin 2 with a yellow wire from the supply - Pin 3 with both a gray and black wire from the supply
The Connector manual states that this connector is: - Pin 1 = +12V in - Pin 2 = DCIN_POS - Pin 3 = DCIN NEG
Am I correct in assuming that this means that only the 12VDC output is being used from the supply, that the 5VDC and 12VDC ground pins are shorted together and that the connector is jumpering Pin 1 and Pin 2 together for 12VDC? I could measure the voltage but I have everything running right now and I did not want to power it down.
Thanks for your question. You are quite correct. The BitsyXb is powered by the 12V supply. Internal voltage regulators supply the other voltages required in operation. The internal regulators offer better regulation than what is provided by the AC/DC supply.