We have designed a daughter board for the BitsyX Board. When I plug the BitsyX board to it, my Ethernet works just fine. However, when I plug the BitsyXB board, my Ethernet does not work. So basically:
1. The network does not work when using the BitsyXB. 2. We notice that the boot message actually shows that there is an error with the Network (when using BitsyXB of course), here is a extract of the message:
************Start ofExtract from Hyperterminal ******************************** Initializing Debug Log Driver...Disabled in registry Initializing FLASH Driver... ok Initializing ADSLOAD.REG Parsing driver... ok (222ms) Initializing POWER Driver... ok Initializing Ethernet Driver... Failed LAN91C111_MiniportInitialize() - Unsupported Media Initializing Serial(driver version support IR)... UART2 ok. (106ms) Initializing Serial(driver version support IR)... UART0 ok. (107ms) Initializing SMARTIO Driver... SMARTIO Detected : PartType=0x8535 Firmware=0x0010 Revision=6 SMARTIO : SerialClockRate=10 KBits/S(0xa7). ok Initializing Serial(driver version support IR)... UART1 oInitializing USB HCD... Ok ************End Extract from Hyperterminal **********************
Could you please let us know the version of WinCE you are using? Does this error happen every time? Does this error happen on multiple boards? If yes, what % of boards?