Q: My system doesn't have a display. Can I turn off the display driver to improve overall system performance?
Yes. The display driver can consume as much as 30% of the StrongARM bus bandwidth (8bpp VGA at 45 Hz consumes around 15%). If your final application won't use a display, you can recover that bandwidth for your application by disabling the display driver. The registry key to do this is: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Display]
"NoLCDPanel"=dword:1 ; 0=system uses display, [1=system is headless]
Note: As of February 2002, this key is not yet supported on all platforms.
You can also reduce operating system overhead for drawing the desktop by disabling the shell (select the product key that matches your platform): [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Platform\GCPlus]
"LaunchCEShell"=dword:0 ; [1=show desktop], 0=suppress desktop
For further reading about displays on our products, see the display topic index.
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