The CE Binary Image Builder file (CE.BIB) is a text file generated by Platform Builder when it creates a Windows CE image. It lists all of the DLLs included in the image and includes a memory map of how the image is unpacked in DRAM.
DRAM Usage
The CE.BIB file includes details about how much DRAM the CE image will consume and how much DRAM will be available for application use.
For example, the following excerpt from a CE.BIB file indicates that the CE image will take 24 MiB of DRAM and that there will be 35 MiB DRAM available for application use:
NK 80200000 01800000 RAMIMAGE ; 24MB
RAM 81A00000 02300000 RAM ; 35MB
Components Included in the Build
The CE.BIB file can be useful to determine if a specific library or driver is in the image you downloaded. You will find CE.BIB and other information files packaged with the CE image.
Use any text editor to open the file and search for the library name of interest. If the full filename (file plus "dll extension) exists in the BIB file, the library is in the image.
The following list includes some of the more popular build options that Platform Builder offers, along with some of the files that are included in the build (and CE.BIB) when those options are selected. You can search CE.BIB for these options to see if the feature has been selected.
Component CE 3.0 CE 4.x
IE iesample.exe iesample.exe
SSCE ssce10.dll sscemw20.dll
ADOCE adoce31.dll
MSMQ msmqd.dll msmq.dll, msmq.htm, msmqadmext, msmqadm.exe, msmqrt.dll
DCOM search for "DCOM" (usually partial: includes OLE, MFC, ATL)
MFCCE mfcce300.dll mfcce400.dll
ATLCE atlce300.dll atlce400.dll
HTTP server httpd.dll httpd.dll, httpdd.default.htm, httpdadm.dll
eVB runtimes pvbload.dll n/a
CompactFramework mscoree.dll [CE.NET only]
DirectX dsound.dll dsound.dll, dsounds.dll, mpedmod.dll (DirectSound only)
POOM PIMstore.dll
MediaPlayer ceplayer.exe ceplayer.exe
File viewers n/a see "File=" in CE.BIB
If you are interested in the files that were included or excluded for different size builds, perform a file comparison between the .BIB files.
Further Reading
Edited by akidder 11-May-2006: Add Further Reading section
Edited by akidder 12-Feb-2007: Restructure into sections. Integrate text from topic 775. Add details about RAM usage.