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133 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jun 2008 : 10:33:44
Using Bitsy G5 Ethernet Personality Board with BitsyXb
The Bitsy G5 Personality Board uses the LAN9116 controller for its Ethernet functionality.
To use the G5 personality with the BitsyXb (e.g. for its SD/MMC support), add the following keys to your BitsyXb adsload.reg file. These settings work with BitsyXb CE build 5.00.37 and later.
Section 3.3.1 of the Developer's Getting Started Guide) describes how to make these changes on your system.
;========= LAN9116 Support START ===================
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\LAN9000] "ImagePath"="DONTLOADLAN91C111.DLL" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\LAN90001] "ImagePath"="DONTLOADLAN91C111.DLL" ; disable the firewall [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Firewall] "EnableIPV4"=dword:0 ; disable ipv4 firewall "EnableIPV6"=dword:0 ; disable ipv6 firewall
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\SMSC9118] "DisplayName"="SMSC12X Ethernet Driver" "Group"="NDIS" "ImagePath"="Smsc9118.dll" ; Enable from adsload.reg file
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\SMSC9118\Linkage] "Route"=multi_sz:"SMSC91181"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\SMSC91181] "DisplayName"="SMSC12X Ethernet Driver" "Group"="NDIS" "ImagePath"="Smsc9118.dll"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\SMSC91181\Parms] "BusNumber"=dword:0 "BusType"=dword:0 "InterruptNumber"=dword:32 ; PXA GPIO10, 50 ;"SysIntr"=dword:0 ; SYSINTR for 118 (Mainstone CE.NET 5.0)
"IoBaseAddress"=dword:3C000300 ;<= IOBase address; CL: PXA255 PCMCIA/CF Slot 1 "PhyAddress"=dword:20 ; PHY address (default= 0x20:Auto, 0xFF:Internal) "RxDMAMode"=dword:0 ; 1-DMA, 0-PIO "TxDMAMode"=dword:0 ; 1-DMA, 0-PIO "FlowControl"=dword:0 ; 1-Enabled, 0-Disabled ; LinkMode will replace Duplex, Speed and FlowControl ; bit7: RESERVED, bit6: ANEG, bit5: ASymmetric Pause, bit4: Symmetric Pause ; bit3: 100FD, bit2: 100HD, bit1: 10FD, bit0: 10HD "LinkMode"=dword:7F ; Setting Auto-Mdix Status ; 0: Override strap, Disable Auto Mdix, straight cable ; 1: Override strap, Disable Auto Mdix, CrossOver cable ; 2: Override strap, Enable Auto Mdix ; Others or No Keyword: AutoMdix controlled by strap "AutoMdix"=dword:4
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\SMSC91181\Parms\TcpIp] "EnableDHCP"=dword:1 "IpAddress"="" "Subnetmask"="" "DefaultGateway"="" "UseZeroBroadcast"=dword:0
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Tcpip\Parms] "DisableDHCPMediaSense"=dword:0
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Tcpip\Linkage] "Bind"=multi_sz:"SMSC91181" ;========= LAN9116 Support END===================
1 Posts |
Posted - 21 Oct 2008 : 15:24:33
Is there a BOM for the Bitsy G5 board?? At least, what Crystal part number is being used with the LAN9116? |
133 Posts |
Posted - 21 Oct 2008 : 17:34:50
Thanks for your inquiry.
The complete Part Description and Manufacturer's Part # for Crystal X1 on the BitsyG5 connector board is shown below: XTAL, 25MHZ,18PF,6X3.5MM SMT CITIZEN:CS10-25.000MABJ-UT LEAD-FREE & RoHS
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