Using the Command Prompt over a Serial Port
The command prompt or console(CMD.EXE) can be helpful in applications that don't have a display ("headless" systems). The console gives access the CE file system and allows you to execute applications manually. The console can also be a "back door" for servicing your system (use it judiciously!).
Normally the console is a window on the CE desktop, but you can also redirect the console output to a serial port. To do so, update your ADSLOAD.REG file with the following keys: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Console]
"OutputTo"=dword:3 ; CMD on COM3 (I've also read that a value of ffffffff redirects to the debug port)
"COMSpeed"=dword:9600 ; speed (0x9600=38400 baud)
Note that you'll need to enable local echo on your PC terminal application if you want to see the commands you're typing.
You can redirect to any available serial port. If you select the debug port, debug messages will be suppressed until you type "exit" to quit the command shell.
You can launch cmd.exe (zip, 26kB) from the startup folder of an ATA card, or you can launch it automatically from the Startup folder of the FlashFX Disk\ folder.
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