Boot code for the Bitsy Plus is stored in onboard flash and can be updated in the field. You may need to do this to support performance improvements or newer features of Windows CE builds.
Select the boot code for your system based on the amount of DRAM installed.
1.79 (17-Jul-2003) - Supports FAT12 and FAT16 CompactFlash cards - Will not halt the boot process if ADSLOAD.HWT is invalid
1.78 (19-Mar-2003) Intermediate build not released for general use. Displays message on debug port that it is beta. - Suppresses debug output when both DIP switches are ON. This means that the debug menu, which used to be displayed after loading files in the "open-box upgrade" mode, is no longer available. (However, booting with switch 1 ON and 2 OFF and no card inserted in slots will bring up debug menu -ak 22sep04)
1.77 (17-Jan-2003) - Consistently enables Serial 1 and 3 at boot - Times out (continues boot) if there is an error in the PCMCIA/CF configuration in ADSLOAD.REG or .HWT - Identifies and supports synchronous flash, if installed
1.76 (13-Dec-2002) - Configures system based on ADSLOAD.HWT and detection of Ethernet chip - Adds entry in ADSLOAD.HWT to select version of personality board:     ; Bitsy Personality Board Revision     ;     ; Tells the boot code and CE which personality board revision is     ; connected. This value is used only if number of sockets = 2.     ;     ; 0 : reserved for backward compatibility (system assumes rev 2)     ; 1 : Rev 2     ; 2 : Rev A     ;     0xC0000F30 0x00000002 ; revision level of Bitsy Personality Board
Edited by akidder 19-Aug-2004: Add revision history from 1.76 to 1.79 and add link to boot 1.77.