I am working the a BitsyX Ce.Net 4.10.21. I have a Serial Mouse with a TTL interface. I would like to set the TTL Com port 2 for a TTL serial mouse The mouse requires : ReceiveData ( TTL Mouse to ADS ), RTS ( TTL Mouse to ADS), Ground, and 3.3V supply ( jumpered from ADS board J19 Pin 3 ).
Com Port 2 has RXD2, TXD2 and GRND. Is there any way I can use the an existing GPIO line to accept the RTS signal from the mouse. Perhaps one of the RTS lines ( GPIO lines used by COM port 3 RTS )? What would I need to modify sermouse.dll?
As we've noted in topic 151 and Chris mentioned in response to your post at topic 832, RTS is typically used to power the mouse.
Can you send us data sheets for the device you want to connect? That will help find the best solution for your application.
The issue that Chris mentioned about device initialization may still be a problem using the standard mouse driver, but the data sheets may give us some ideas about how to work around it.