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1519 Posts |
Posted - 09 Dec 2003 : 15:48:29
Cable Drawings for ADS Development Systems
The following is a list of cables ADS has designed for use with its products. Many of these cables are included with development systems. Cables are listed by product.
ADS produces these cables for its development systems, and can provide them in limited quantities for pre-production systems. For cost-effective production, consult your local electronics contract manufacturer or some of the manufacturers we use.
- Bitsy Family
With Personality Board: 610111-80003 Serial 1-3, EIA-232C DB9 610000-00011 EIA-232C DB9 null modem cable 610000-00038 USB function port (upstream to PC) 610111-80010 Power adapter for mini-DIN8 610110-4163A Touchscreen 600000-1014A Backlight inverter, Taiyo-Yuden LS520 610110-3074A LQ64D343 display (StrongARM at 12bpp) 610110-3075A LQ64D343 display (StrongARM at 16bpp or XScale)
Without Personality Board (direct): 610111-10061 Serial 1, EIA-232C DB9 (J10) 610111-10072 Serial 3, EIA-232C DB9 (with wires for logic-level Serial 2) (J3) 610115-10171 16 bit color panel interface cable for Sharp LQ64D343, 2mm
- AGC, AGX and VGX
610110-4007A Serial 1 & 2, EIA-232C DB9 (J14) 610111-80003 Serial 3, EIA-232C DB9 (J13) 610110-90031 Serial A & B, EIA-232C DB9 (J40 [same as GMaster J20]) 610115-40013 USB function port (upstream to PC) (J8) 610000-00011 EIA-232C DB9 null modem cable 610110-4009 Power adapter for mini-DIN8 (J2) 610110-4163A Touchscreen (J18) 600000-1014A Backlight inverter, Taiyo-Yuden LS520 (J3) 610115-10171 16 bit color panel interface cable for Sharp LQ64D343, 2mm
VGX and AGC: 610115-10302 Analog VGA output cable (see note)
- Graphics Client Plus, GCX and Graphics Master
610110-4007A Serial 1 & 2, EIA-232C DB9 (J7) 610115-40013 USB function port (upstream to PC) (J2) 610000-00038 USB A-B cable for connection to PC (J2) 610110-4004B Serial 3, EIA-232C DB9 (details about -4004A) 610110-90031 Serial A & B, EIA-232C DB9 (Graphics Master only) (J20) 610000-00011 EIA-232C DB9 null modem cable 610110-4009 Power adapter for mini-DIN8 (J5) 610110-4163A Touchscreen (J4) 600000-1014A Backlight inverter, Taiyo-Yuden LS520 (J13) 610110-3075A Sharp LQ64D343 display, GCX (or GCP/GM at 16bpp) (J14) 610110-3074A Sharp LQ64D343 display, GCP/GM at 12bpp (J14)
Edited by akidder 5-Jan-2005: Correct USB cable for GC Plus, add GCX. Edited by akidder 7-Jan-2005: Add link to -3075 cable for GCX. Edited by Khor 11-Jan-2005: Add cable -10171 for AGC, AGX and VGX Edited by akidder 16-Mar-2005: Add link for VGX/AGC 610115-10302 cable. Edited by akidder 22-Apr-2005: Remove Jameco part number from null-modem listing. Edited by akidder 4-May-2005: Copy LCD cable drawing from AGX/VGX to BitsyX Edited by akidder 22-May-2006: Add links to 610110-4009 cable. Edited by akidder 3-Aug-2010: Replace 610111-80001 with 610111-80003 link. |
1519 Posts |
Posted - 22 Apr 2005 : 17:44:00
Null Modem Cables: Not all are created equally
We've identified an issue with the null modem cables we ship with development systems that may cause problems with Windows CE ActiveSync. Existing cables will work fine for basic communications and for use with ADS debug output.
One Vendor's Confusion At the time of writing, our experience is that Jameco is shipping DB9 null modem cables (#181403) that do not cross over the RTS and CTS lines between the connectors. Instead, the cables cross over the DTR and DSR lines, while simply looping RTS/CTS back within each connector. Jameco has an inconsistency between their website and catalog about the actual pinout(*).
Testing the Cables You can quickly test what kind of cable you've got by checking the continuity between pins. You should see that pin 2 of one DB9 is connected to pin 3 of the other, and vice versa. For a cable to perform hardware flow control, pins 7 and 8 should be similarly crossed.
Our Recommendations If you have a need for hardware handshaking with the null modem cable, use a cable that crosses over wire pairs 2-3 (TX/RX) and 7-8 (CTS/RTS). ActiveSync works best with 4-6 (DTR/DSR) crossed as well. The following are some recommendations: PI Manufacturing 833-0706-551 (6 ft) or 833-0710-551 (10 ft) (1&6-4, 2-3, 3-2, 4-6&1, 5-5, 7-8, 8-7) CableWholesale 10D1-20406 (2-3, 3-2, 5-5, 7-8, 8-7; 1&4&6 connected on each side) CablesToGo 03044 (2-3, 3-2, 4-6, 5-5, 6-4, 7-8, 8-7) Belkin F3B207 [pinout not yet verified but recommended by CE eMVPs]
Contact us if you'd like us to get you a replacement cable.
(*) The 7-8, 8-7 crossover is the pinout required by hardware handshaking and Windows CE ActiveSync Jameco website: "Pin outs: 1-7 and 8; 2-3; 3-2; 4-6; 5-5; 6-4; 7 & 8-1" Jameco Catalog CH: "Pin outs: 1 & 6-4, 2-3, 3-2, 4-6 &1, 5-5, 7-8, 8-7"
Edited by akidder 25-Apr-2005: Update notes about recommendations. Add PI Mfg. Edited by akidder 25-Jan-2006: Add PI Mfg 10-ft cable, which we currently ship with development systems. Edited by akidder 2-Feb-2006: Add pinout of Cables-to-Go #03044 Edited by akidder 6-Apr-2006: Add Belkin F3B207; remove now-dead link to Jameco product |
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