Displaying a Logo or Splash Screen During Boot
BitsyXb CE Boot Loader 2.4 and later support displaying a custom logo or splash screen during boot. Add the following information to your ADSLOAD.HWT file and load your logo or splash screen as ADSLOAD.BMP. This is the same file that will be displayed on the CE Desktop.
Additions to ADSLOAD.HWTBootLogo 0x00000002 ; Boot logo: 0x00=none, 0x01=ADS logo(b/w)
; 0x02=adsload.bmp
LogoBckGround 0x00003B74 ; Background color: 0x00=black, 0xFF=white
; @16bpp, 0x3B74=CE.NET background color
Notes:- Your bitmap must be less than 262140 Bytes
- If the display is configured for 8 bit-per-pixel(bpp) mode, the bitmap must be in 8bpp BMP format. In 16bpp display mode, the boot code can display 8 or 24bpp bitmap files.
- The ADSLOAD.HWT file parser reads and stores the colors as 32-bit data (leading zeroes are optional)
- This feature does not support the display rotation that CE supports. Rotate the bitmap appropriately before saving it to ADSLOAD.BMP.
- The default values for the BootLogo and LogoBckGround entries = 0x00, meaning there will be no logo during boot and the boot background will be black.
Edited by twhite 29-Jul-2010: Add note about default values.
Edited by akidder 21-Apr-2008: Add note about 32-bit data in HWT file