This package sets the amount of object store memory (RAM disk). This can normally be accomplished with a registry key (see topic 283). This package can be used with products that do not support that key.
This package was tested on a BitsyXb with CE build 5.00.20.
This package installs a new driver for Swedish keyboards on ADS ARMV4I processor systems. It highlights how you can use ADSReg.exe to modify the system path so you can load a driver from persistent storage without it being present in the ADS Build
This package was tested on a BitsyX with CE build 4.20.12.
(No longer available) Cisco ACM350 Wireless Card Driver Install (Feb-2004)
This package copies the StrongARM Cisco driver and utility files to your system. It uses the following tools:
ADSAlloc to ensure there is enough allocated RAM for the files
This package was tested on a Graphics Master with CE build 4.10.17.
(No longer available) Microsoft SQL Server CE 2.0 (Jul-2004)
This package copies the Microsoft SQL Server CE libraries and dev tools to your device, registering the files as needed.
This package was tested on a BitsyX with CE build 4.20.08.
Edited by ctacke 15jul04: SSCE Install is now a GAC install Edited by akidder 1sep06: Add ADSAlloc sample. Indicate packages that are no longer available.
We've added the Swedish Keyboard Driver sample. The same technique can be used to load many drivers from persistent storage without the driver being in the CE Image from ADS.